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Prepper Pantry Guide: Easy Ideas & Food Storage Tips
Are you ready for anything life throws your way? Whether it’s a natural disaster or a doomsday scenario, having a stocked prepper pantry can mean the difference between survival and chaos. It’s not just about having enough food and water, but also having the right supplies to keep you and your loved ones safe and…

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening (Tips for Beginners!)
If you’re thinking about starting a garden, raised bed gardening is a great way to go! Whether you’re a total beginner or a seasoned pro, this method is organized, efficient, and beautiful. Pin this post for later! You can grow all sorts of plants, from veggies to flowers and herbs. Plus, raised beds offer lots…

How to Really Keep Squirrels, Chipmunks and Rabbits Out of Your Garden
There’s nothing more disheartening than tending to your garden all summer long, only to have your beautiful veggies munched up by squirrels, rabbits, and other critters. A vegetable garden is just too tempting of a food source for them to stay away, so you have to be proactive and protect it. In this article, I’ll…

How Much Light Do Air Plants Need To Thrive Indoors? (& When You Should Supplement)
Air plants are great for decorating your office or home because they’re small, cute, and don’t need any soil to grow. But how much light do air plants need to thrive indoors? Read on to find out how you can provide the right amount of natural and artificial light for your plant babies, plus some…

How to Water Air Plants (the RIGHT Way!) | Tips and Watering Guide
Do you have an air plant as a houseplant? Are you tired of trying to figure out how to water it and how often? You’re not alone! Watering air plants can be tricky when you first start out, but I’ve got you covered. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to water air plants correctly…

7 Key Differences Between Air Plants and Succulents
Are air plants succulents? This is a question that many people have asked themselves. Air plants are often mistaken for succulents due to their similar appearance, but they are not the same things. In this article, we’ll talk about how these two types of plants differ and look at their specific needs so you can…

How Fast do Air Plants Grow? (+ 4 Tips to Grow them Faster!)
Air plants are a popular houseplant that can grow in many different environments. They require very little care and have unique, delicate leaves. Have you recently gotten some new air plants and now you’re wondering how fast they should grow? Let’s take a look at how long it takes for air plants to grow larger….

10 Best Indoor Succulents for Beginners
If you are just beginning to explore the world of indoor succulents, it can be quite overwhelming. There are so many varieties available in the store that it is tough to know where to start! Some succulents want to be in direct sunlight, some prefer the shade. Some like heat and others like it a…

What are Succulents Good For? 10 Benefits of Succulents (and Why You Need Them in Your Home!)
Succulents are one of the most popular plants in the world, and for good reason. They are low maintenance, easy to take care of, and can survive in a variety of environments. You might be wondering what exactly succulents are good for? In this article, we’ll cover 10 amazing benefits of succulents and why you…